Saturday, March 27, 2010

Undercover boss

I don't watch much TV, but I have started watching a show called Undercover Boss. The premise is that the "boss" of a company goes undercover (thus the title) in his/her company to see how things really work and to learn more about the lives of the employees. Invariably, the boss is enlightened to the life struggles of the workers. You witness them gaining insight into the frustrations, fears, hurts and also the successes . They see workers who are passionate about their careers, even though they may be pretty low on the company ladder. Occasionally, there is a worker who is not performing at a high level or showing integrity. Of course, those workers are not so delighted when the revelation is made that their coworker was really the head of the company. At the end, the experience enables the boss to empathize with the employees and intervene on their behalf in better meeting their needs and honoring those who pursued excellence.
Two life lessons I see here:
1. If my "boss" were to walk around with me all day, disguised, would he/she see a pursuit of excellence in everything I do? Would I be upholding the values and integrity of my school in all of my dealings with students, parents, other teachers, custodial staff, etc? Would my passion for teaching and learning be obvious? contagious? My school is nationally recognized as a leader in boys' education. Am I giving 100%, all of the time?
2. I teach Bible and am a committed Christian, so ultimately my boss is Jesus Christ. He was the ultimate "Undercover Boss". John 1:14... "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." He left His throne so that He might work alongside us, experiencing our human struggles, frustrations, heartaches, and fears. He disguises Himself daily in the form of the needy I encounter (or maybe avoid-which is a bigger problem). He is working undercover as the coworker that gets on my nerves, the high maintenance friend, the ungrateful child, the inefficient clerk at the grocery store... the list goes on. Mother Teresa said, "The dying, the cripple, the mental, the unwanted, the unloved- they are Jesus in disguise." What does He think about my performance on the job He has given me? Is my love and passion for Him and His purpose in my life obvious? contagious?
I fall miserably short on so many things. But Praise God that I serve a God of new beginnings and second chances! And today..and tomorrow... and for all the tomorrows to come, I will work to please my "Boss" out of gratitude for His endless grace in my life.

"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men. Col. 3:23."

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